Mobi2IMP is a free e-book conversion tool capable of creating IMP content from any PRC or MOBI e-book container. Mobi2IMP can produce various IMP book types, including REB 1200 (for color touch screen e-book readers), eBookwise 1150 (or EBW1150, for grayscale LCD devices), and OEBFF (a non device-specific IMP type of e-book).
Together with EPUB, MobiPocket has become one of the most widespread e-book formats on the market, mainly due to the fact that Amazon chose MOBI as the de facto format for the Kindle reader family. On the contrary, IMP e-books – originally devised for the ETI-1 and ETI-2 readers developed by eBook Technologies Inc. – never reached a similar level of popularity. Here is where a tool like Mobi2IMP can come in handy, as it will allow you to convert any book purchased through Amazon into an IMP container that your ETI can understand.
As explained above, this conversion tool supports all the main IMP e-book types, and it is capable of converting any MOBI, PRC, or PalmDOC PDB e-book into various IMP files in one single conversion process. All of the options available have been put together in the program’s main window, which is both convenient and confusing. It is great to have all of them there, but the lack of space makes some of the text associated to them hard to read. Luckily, Nick Rapallo (Mobi2IMP’s developer) has devised a clever solution – just hover your mouse over any of the options and you will see how they become self-explanatory at once. Among the options you can tick on or off here, you will find the various output formats supported, several font sizes, options regarding the layout of the text (indentation, justification, paragraph-separator lines, etc.), and even the color of the background and the header. The purpose of some of these options is not easy to fathom at first glance, so you are advised to read the explanatory bubbles carefully beforehand.